Tag Archives: restaurant recruitment

6 Tips for Recruiting an Amazing Restaurant Manager

Restaurant Recruitment

Many people open restaurants based on their big dreams for sharing their food or their concept with others as well as to turn out a large profit. But as many as 60% of new restaurants that open up fail within the first year and a whopping 80% tank in less than five years, according to Business Insider.

Read the entire article here.

Restaurant Labor Law and ADR Agreements

Arbitration Agreements, also defined as Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) Agreements, are designed (and approved by the courts) to mitigate challenges from employees. Under an Arbitration Agreement, the employees’ complaint is heard by a retired judge and is settled almost immediately, rather than going into litigation. Most all rules of court apply.

Benefits include…

Read on: restaurant recruiting and HR news

Understanding the Restaurant Supervisor Title

US Supreme Court ruled that an employee is a “supervisor” under Title VII only when empowered by the employer to take tangible employment action.

The question of who is a “supervisor” brings more to bear on the employer / owner than you may think.

Read the whole article: Restaurant Recruitment: It’s Very Important Who You Identify as a Supervisor of Your Restaurant(s)

Hiring General Managers, Chefs, Supervisors for Multi-Unit Restaurants

With over 25 years of restaurant consulting experience, Synergy has developed an efficient recruitment system based the keen understanding of the restaurant fundamentals and human capital. Whether you are seeking to hire a staff of highly trained chefs, professional multi-unit supervisors, or experienced general managers, Synergy can help.


read more: restaurant hiring services